Welcome to a new year of Learning! School is starting, and so is Piano class. I am looking forward to working with my students and growing together.
One of the programs I offer is AIM, sponsored by the Music Teacher's Association, which I affiliate with. AIM stands for Achievement In Music. Much of my curriculum is based on what the students are required to know at each level. This program is NOT a competition. It is, however, a way to challenge, direct, motivate, and evaluate both the student and their teacher.
First year students will be taught the material, but will not participate in the Evaluations throughout the year. Second-year-and-beyond students can opt to participate, as well as transfer students, depending on how advanced they are.
The students are tested in their knowledge and skill in the areas of music history, theory, technique, and piano performance. They also present a report on anything in music they are interested in. Most of the testing is done by myself and/or other local chapter UMTA music teachers involved in the program. The piano performance is judged by a guest judge sent by the
State level Music Teachers Association.
There is an extra fee for participating in AIM, however, it is quite minimal and well worth the cost.
Some of the advantages of the AIM program are: the students are only competing with themselves to achieve their highest potential and not competing with the other students; it is a well-rounded program that tests all the student's skills and therefore allows the student to show off their strengths; it allows the teacher and parents to see where the child needs extra help.
I hope all my students will choose to participate in this very valuable opportunity. If you would like more information on this please e-mail me at: ksam855@yahoo.com