They were then given the opportunity to make a Performance record and instructed that by December 14th, the recital date, they need to play their recital piece--memorized--for 10 different people on 10 different pianos, for 10 total performances. In other words, they can't play for a room full of 10 people and count it as 10. They can, however, play it for each of those 10 people, but at different times and on different pianos. If they have to play on the same piano a couple of times, that's okay. The most important part of this is playing their piece 10 different times for 10 different people.
It really is easier than it sounds. When they visit their friend down the street to hang out, if their friend has a piano, they can say, "Hey! Let me play a song for you!" and then they can play it. That would count.
Speaking of the Recital... It will be held December 14 at 4:30 p.m. The kids need to arrive at 4. It will be held at Payson Mountain View Hospital. We will be playing for the Extended Care patients. I will be emailing more information next week. If any of your families want to perform other numbers for the patients, that would be welcome. Please just let me know. Also, Please bring a treat to share.
I am looking forward to this fun Christmas Recital/Service Project/Party, and I know the students are, too.