It is said that Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth. This past weekend I got to see for myself if that statement is true. I would have to say it is definitely a very happy place!
In honor of Disneyland's 60th anniversary and my first trip there, I have decided to have a Disney-themed semester in Blue Skies Music Studio. The students are learning Disney songs for our December recital. Along with that, we have a Disney practice incentive going on.
I have created a chart with Mickey markers with each student's name on it. As they practice, the markers will be moved up and the student will be awarded a Diamond. In order to move up one level the student must practice. It doesn't matter how much they practice (minimum 10 minutes). If they have practiced at least 10 minutes, they will be allowed to move up one level.
Each week, the student who practices the most out of all the students will move up two levels and be awarded a large diamond. (We already have some stiff competition with two students practicing well over 100 minutes each in one week!)
I have also provided some Extra-Credit activities, since I know that some weeks it is difficult to get the practice time in. Any student who completes activities that qualify on the Extra-Credit for Practice Challenge sheet will be moved up accordingly. If you or your student have other ideas for activities and want to see if they could be used for extra credit, ask me about it. I can be somewhat flexible on this. If I allow a student to do an activity that is not on the Extra-Credit sheet, I will post the idea here or email it to everyone so any other students who want to do the same thing will have the option.
Every weekend, on Friday or Saturday, I will post a picture here on my blog of the chart so the students can see who the winner for the week is. I will also post the winning student's practice time. It will help the students see what they need to do to stay in the race. As you will see from the pictures below, all the students are starting at the beginning. Good luck to you all!
On your marks! Get set! Go!!!