Saturday, October 24, 2015

Make the Metronome your friend, not your enemy. ~ Vinnie Colaiuta

      Mention the word "metronome" in mixed company and you will get mixed response. The mix in our group includes ex-music students, current music students, parents of music students, and ongoing musicians who are not taking lessons now but are continuing their endeavors to improve their playing.  Each has a different relationship with the metronome, some positive and some not so positive.
      For many parents, the first thought is "Ugh! That thing drives me crazy with its incessant tick-tick-ticking!" Some students and ex-students may feel their heart racing to keep up with the tempo the metronome marks out for them, creating sweaty palms and shortness of breath.
      Others of us, however, smile at the thought of using the metronome in our practice sessions. Warm-ups, scales, and finger exercises can become a relaxing, almost zen experience with the rhythmic repetition. Learning a particularly challenging passage in a new piece will be less intimidating with methodical use of the metronome, giving us control and confidence.
      Introducing students to the metronome early in their musical experience prepares them to use it as a tool in the future when their repertoire becomes more difficult. Understanding the difference between "beat" and "rhythm" and how it applies to the music they are learning will help them give structure to the pieces they play.
      There are different types of metronomes and different places to find them. Of course, there is your local music store. (Visit Boothe Brothers in Spanish Fork. They have several styles in a variety of price ranges and you can see how they work and how they sound before buying.) You can order online. ( has a bunch, as well as Wittner and eBay.) And you can find apps and online free metronomes. (JoyTunes app,
       As the renowned drummer, Vinnie Colaiuta, says "Make the metronome your friend, not your enemy."  (To see Vinnie's amazing drumming click here.)

This week's practice results:   Olivia practiced the most this week! Ava, Wesley, Krista, and Isaac all got extra credit this week, as well! You are all doing great! The practicing is showing in how well you are prepared for your lessons.


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